Thursday, February 4, 2010

Level 4: The Return

Oh my goodness! Blogspot! Is that really you?

I'm back! I missed you so much. Wow, you've grown so handsome/beautiful in my absence. Is that a new frontpage you have? Very becoming!

Ok, look, that was a lie. No, not the beauty part - Props, for real - But the part about missing Blogspot. In truth, I totally up and forgot about this place.

Hey, I could sit here and lie to you if you wanted. You do? You do want that? Tough. I need to be straight with you, internet. I found someone else. She's not better than you, she's just different. Truth be told, you may have already met on some wayward street corner in this humble Web 2.0 burg. Her name is Twitter, Blogspot. Yes, Twitter. Her name may be silly, but you really shouldn't make that face. She's very nice. I think you two could become fast friends. Now, shake hands.

"I have no hands" you say? "I'm just a box where you type words that no one will read"? Ok, then, Blogspot. But at the very least you, a cold and calculated robot machine box, understand the need for a diverse web presence.

So. We good?


Hey guys. Here are my web spots. Check 'em out, if you like!

I'm still trying to decide whether to roll out my official blog here or at my LiveJournal. Both are very...Lacking in original content. But this year will be the time to start a more personal bloggy for things such as sketches, comics and the like.

Whatever it is I decide to do, I'll let you know. Hopefully you'll come along for the ride.

*fist bump*

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Level 3: Eiffel's Artstravaganza #1

Back again, with more artness.

I don't have many (internet worthy) sketches to post up just yet. Since they lack in quality, I'll just add some finished pieces and prettier sketches, until I have more decent ones to show. >:3

A little love for my hero Stephen Colbert

A speed paint of a Bogy from Final Fantasy XI

A sketch of Sasuke and final form Orochimaru. Click on it, for the color version. ^^

And, finally, my last (for a while) art trade from DeviantArt

Thanks for stoppin' by~!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Level 2: Electric Boogaloo

I do believe it's about time I got this show on the road.

Here are some recent sketches and whatnot. I'm gonna try to not dip too far into the well for content, since I already have way too many sketches on the go right now. Here's a small taste:

I have absolutely no clue how to make the pictures integrate with the page in a more attractive manner. ): If any of you out there is a bloggergician or a computerwizard, I would full-on appreciate any formatting tips and whatnot.

Well, that should do it for now. I'm pretty sure that no one is checkin' this thing out, so...If you are, you rock. And you're attractive and have good taste.

Until next we meet~

Friday, March 9, 2007

Level 1: Yakkin' It Up On The Ol' Yakbox

I did it. I made a blog. ):

Actually, the only reason I got an account here on the Bloggernet was to check in and/or comment on the Zelda Fanart Contest. However, I started to feel the guilt of wastefulness when I left the account sitting without anything on it.

I remembered how much I hated the guy who signed up on DeviantArt with my desired username (Eiffel) because not only did he cop my monicker but he also barely ever signed on/submitted anything. I would've treated you right,

Nevertheless, here I am trying to think of ways to use this space to its full potential. I'll probably end up turning it into a sketch journal, since it would take up less space here than on my DeviantArt account, and I could display more content, along with longer explanations of each sketch.

As I think on it, I might also just use the space to gush about whatever it is I'm watching at the moment. I mean, that's a pretty popular thing to blog about, right? 2 cents worth of review by the armchair jockey might give some much needed girth to an otherwise vast empty space. Not that I have to fill the space, mind. Certainly not with anything insightful.

I'll try, though. If, for no other reason, than to pass the time between work and play. And Kid and Play. Man, Houseparty was the bomb frosting. If this blog has half of the flavor of Kid's mic skills, I'll be laughin' all the way to the bank. The money bank.

Well, if anyone reads this, feel free to treat it as filler. Nothing of note yet, but hopefully some words and images with which to slake your mind thirst soon.

Until then,